Wednesday, October 25, 2023

New Releases & A Personal Note

 A Personal Note from C. Edward Sellner...
For those who follow me on social media, you might have already seen my posts regarding my mother. She was recently diagnosed with end stage Pulmonary Fibrosis. She was hospitalized a couple weeks, then did come home under Hospice care. It was unexpected and pretty time consuming hence the brief sabbatical on the newsletter. We are both adjusting now, so regular updates are back on the list! Thank all of you for your support!

Visionary Quick Links


The Storyteller

 An Evcol Entertainment Visionary Creation Release!
A young boy, lost in the woods, meets a stranger who inspires
him to follow his passion and become a true storyteller!
 Buy Now!  / Fairy / Folk Tale

The Interview

 An Evcol Entertainment Visionary Creation Release!
A reporter has risked everything to learn the truth behind a rumored secret agency that deals with the supernatural, the unworldly, and the secrets best kept safe. When she comes face to face with the head of that agency, she wonders if this will be her last interview.
Buy Now!  / Thriller

The Good, The Bad, & The Uncanny:
Tales of a Very Weird West
Now on Amazon

THE GOOD, THE BAD, AND THE UNCANNY presents sixteen original and never-before-published adventures by some of today’s most visionary writers who have spun wildly offbeat tales of gunmen, lawmen, magic, and weird science.

Includes stories from Jennifer Brody, Greg Cox, R.S. Belcher, Scott Sigler, Carrie Harris, James A. Moore, Jeffrey Mariotte, John G. Hartness, Cullen Bunn, Maurice Broadus, Keith R.A. DeCandido, Marguerite Reed, Laura Anne Gilman, Aaron Rosenberg, and Visionary’s own C. Edward Sellner, all edited by New York Times Bestselling Author, Jonathan Maberry.

 Pre-Order Now on Amazon




Visionary CCO C. Edward Sellner now has open slots for work-for-hire as a writer and artist. You can find his portfolio and rates now on his creator site.
Check It Out Now!

You can also now check out Sellner's FREE Resources page to find standard contract templates, template digital art files for comic page art, and more!
Check it Out Now!